Empowering Indigenous suppliers, strengthening communities

Shell QGC’s commitment to engaging local and Indigenous suppliers led to the creation of a groundbreaking platform addressing disparities in contract awards and improving transparency.

By partnering with Local Suppliers Portal (LSP), Shell is fostering a robust, inclusive supply chain that benefits the entire community.

A laptop screen displays the Shell Local and Indigenous Supplier Portal homepage, featuring an image of a white vehicle in a field surrounded by trees under a blue sky. The navigation menu is visible at the top.
increase in Indigenous supplier engagement.
0 %
day payment terms for small businesses across Australia
expressions of interest (EOIs) published in the first year
0 +
in community economic investments unlocked
$ 0 b+
Screenshot of the Local and Indigenous Supplier Portal webpage featuring a rural landscape with a tree and a vehicle in a field. The page includes navigation links and text about Shell's commitment to supporting local and indigenous businesses.


About Shell QGC

Shell QGC is one of the world’s leading energy companies with a long-standing commitment to sustainable business practices and community engagement.

Operating extensively across Australia, Shell recognises the importance of fostering strong relationships with local and Indigenous suppliers to promote economic growth and community development.

By investing in initiatives that support equitable access to procurement opportunities, Shell QGC continues to lead by example in building a more inclusive and resilient supply chain.


The challenge

Shell faced critical obstacles in engaging with Indigenous suppliers, including:

  • Inability to verify certified Indigenous suppliers.
  • Limited reporting on Indigenous supplier spend.
  • Disparity in locally awarded contracts.
  • Inadequate tendering processes.
  • High resource and process costs in managing local suppliers
Screenshot of the Local and Indigenous Supplier Portal webpage. Features images of workers, buttons for supplier registration, information about opportunities, support programs, and collaborations with local businesses like Gladstone Lean Business Workshop and others.


The solution

LSP delivered the Shell Local & Indigenous Supplier Portal, a comprehensive digital platform tailored to Shell’s needs.

Key features included:

  • A public-facing microsite, showcasing wins and promoting transparency.
  • Easy publishing of Expressions of Interest (EOIs), enhancing supplier visibility.
  • Streamlined registration for local suppliers, reducing onboarding friction.
  • 30-day payment terms for small businesses, promoting financial stability.
  • Tier 1 contractors empowered to release EOIs and engage directly with Shell’s supply chain.

Through increased transparency and simplified tendering processes, Shell QGC and its stakeholders have strengthened their supply chain, driving significant community investment and economic growth across the region.


Ready to transform your supplier management processes?

LSP goes beyond being just a tendering platform.

Request a call back to talk to us and experience a new era of local supplier engagement excellence, designed to meet your unique needs and drive success.